Teacher - Kristen Tirado
SVAHS - Programa de verano para jóvenes
Calle Langosta 80
jbrewer@smithtec.org 1-413-587-1414 x3559
Criminal Justice
Programas juveniles de verano
Visiting instructors will be used often throughout the course and numerous field trip opportunities will connect classroom lessons to real-life educational experiences. Police officers, attorneys, military personnel, social workers, emergency management officials, probation and parole officers, judges, and other criminal justice professionals will be requested to speak with students, so that they obtain insight and perspective of the guest speaker’s particular field.
para estudiantes que ingresan a los grados 6, 7 y 8
Communication and Interviewing Techniques
Community Policing
Constitutional Law
Crime Scene Investigation and Analysis
Criminal Law & Procedure
Cybercrime, Surveillance, and Technology
Defensive Tactics
Emergency Preparedness
Environmental Safety / Hazmat
Federal Legal Services and National Security
Heartsaver CPR, First Aid, AED
Homeland Security
Incident Command System (ICS)
Military Drill (Commands & Execution)
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Daily Physical Training
Police, Court, & Correctional Procedure
Report Writing
Stop the Bleed
Stress Management
9-1-1 Telecommunications