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Jeff Lareau, Co-op Coordinator x3450

Leslie Skantz-Hodgson

The Cooperative Work Employment program at Smith Vocational functions within the scheduled program of instruction at the school. Students who qualify can participate in the cooperative work program during their shop week, alternating a week of employment with a week in academic classes. Co-op students earn wages while gaining valuable work experience. Offered to juniors and seniors, the cooperative work experience can serve as a reward to students who excel in both shop and academics and demonstrate a positive attitude in attendance and behavior. Cooperative work experience can also serve as an incentive tool to initiate within the students a desire to achieve a good scholastic average, show the value of good attendance, and demonstrate the benefits of good citizenship in both school and industry. Employment experience is matched as closely as possible to the needs of each student.

1-413-587-1414 x3476

The Cooperative Work program serves a variety of purposes:

1. Augmenting the school curriculum in increasing the skill level of the student.

2. Providing additional social advancement in a work-place atmosphere.

3. Providing a wider variety of trade experiences than are available in the student's chosen shop.

4. Providing a different instructional atmosphere than is available in the traditional school shop program.



The Guidance Counselor and the Co-op Coordinator work with our cooperative employers to evaluate students. The evaluation uses Work-based Learning Plans to ensure that we are preparing students for the full range of skills needed in 21st century workplaces.


"One of my favorite things about Smith School is the Co-op program because I can make money and get experience while earning credits toward graduation."

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Contact Us

80 Locust Street,
Northampton, Ma 01060
Phone: 413-587-1414
Fax: 413-587-1406

Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School prepares students for social responsibility, employment, and post-secondary education through rigorous, applied technical and academic programs. Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,gender identity, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

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