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Agricultural Mechanics

The Agriculture program provides students with the opportunity to learn about a broad and diverse industry that deals with the biological sciences and many new technologies. Students in the Agriculture program spend their time studying and working outdoors, nurturing living things, operating and repairing equipment, and working with our natural resources. There are hundreds of different jobs available in the area of animal science and agricultural mechanics that require many different types and levels of educational training. As with most careers, salaries and working conditions in the field of agriculture are usually better in jobs that require more education.


Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School has the only vocational and agricultural program in Western Massachusetts that offers majors in both animal science and agricultural mechanics. Our facilities include working animal enterprises with over 500 acres of managed land.



Industry Recognized Credential 

  • OSHA 10

  • Laborers Union Apprenticeship (Mass DOT)

  • Hotworks

  • Hosta

Seth Reed

Albert Baer

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Contact Us

80 Locust Street,
Northampton, Ma 01060
Phone: 413-587-1414
Fax: 413-587-1406

Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School prepares students for social responsibility, employment, and post-secondary education through rigorous, applied technical and academic programs. Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,gender identity, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

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